AISCAll-in sustaining costs per silver or gold ounce sold, net of by-product credits
BiodiversityThe variety of living organisms, genetic diversity, habitat diversity that create and sustain variation in the environment
Cash CostsCash costs per payable ounce of silver or gold, net of by-product credits
Climate-Related OpportunityRefers to the potential positive impacts related to climate change on an organization. Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change can produce opportunities for organizations, such as through resource efficiency and cost savings, the adoption and utilization of low-emission energy sources, the development of new products and services, and building resilience along the supply chain. Climate-related opportunities will vary depending on the region, market, and industry in which an organization operates.
Climate-Related RiskRefers to the potential negative impacts of climate change on an organization. Physical risks emanating from climate change can be event-driven (acute) such as increased severity of extreme weather events (e.g., cyclones, droughts, floods, and fires). They can also relate to longer-term shifts (chronic) in precipitation and temperature and increased variability in weather patterns (e.g., sea level rise). Climate-related risks can also be associated with the transition to a lower-carbon global economy, the most common of which relate to policy and legal actions, technology changes, market responses, and reputational considerations.
CO₂ eqCarbon dioxide equivalent
CSRCorporate social responsibility
GHGGreenhouse gas
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)An Independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable sustainability reporting guidelines
HSEHealth, safety and environment
LPGLiquefied petroleum gas
LTIFLost time injury frequency, calculated as the total number of accidents per million hours worked
LTISLost time injury severity, calculated as the number of days lost to injury per million hours worked
MACMining Association of Canada
Material Topic/IndicatorSustainability performance indicators contained in the Global Reporting Initiative Standards framework
m3Cubic metres
PASPan American Silver
Publicly Available 2°C ScenarioRefers to a 2°C scenario that is (1) used/referenced and issued by an independent body; (2) wherever possible, supported by publicly available datasets; (3) updated on a regular basis; and (4) linked to functional tools (e.g., visualizers, calculators, and mapping tools) that can be applied by organizations.
Scenario AnalysisA process for identifying and assessing a potential range of outcomes of future events under conditions of uncertainty. In the case of climate change, for example, scenarios allow an organization to explore and develop an understanding of how the physical and transition risks of climate change may impact its businesses, strategies, and financial performance over time.
Scope 1Refers to all direct GHG emissions.
Scope 2Refers to indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat, or steam.
Scope 3Refers to other indirect emissions not covered in Scope 2 that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions. Scope 3 emissions could include: the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels, transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities (e.g., transmission and distribution losses), outsourced activities, and waste disposal.
SEISignificant Environmental Incident
TonneUnit of weight equivalent to 1,000 kilograms (2,205 lb)
TSMTowards Sustainable Mining (Mining Association of Canada Program)